Ascended to Heaven Read online

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  “You idiots. Do you think the demon hunters would write the location down? They would never want any of you to find it!”

  Its bloodshot eyes darted towards Hudson and he felt his heart stop. “Demon touched! Where has my Father been locked away?”

  Hudson felt sweat form on his forehead. “I-I don’t know! And if I did, why would I tell you?”

  A deep chuckle from the back of Asmodeus’ shared throat. “You know where he is. I can tell from that look in your eyes. He’s where every demon goes when they’re banished by a competent demon hunter.”

  Hud shook his head. “I don’t know…I…”

  “It’s in your symbol, you stupid mortal. The red hand with the paintbrush.”

  Hudson thought to the hand, the one he had seen in the Demotome and on Sugrat’s medallion. All this time, he had assumed it was a broom. How had he not realised it was a paintbrush?

  “A…a brush?”

  Asmodeus shook its three heads in disgust. “Pathetic. You were once our greatest enemies, now look at you. I will enjoy killing you.”

  The demon brought its clawed paw up, ready to smash down on Hudson’s head. Hud winced. He could not believe this was it. How is he supposed to know what the paintbrush means? A sudden thought crossed his mind and he jerked his head up.

  “Wait! I know the location of the final demon! The one my grandmother sealed away!”

  Asmodeus paused and everyone in the cave went quiet.

  “He’s lying.” The blue-eyed man hissed. “My lord, you must not believe his lies!”

  Asmodeus lifted one of his paws and the demon worshipper went quiet.

  “No, the demon hunter speaks the truth.” Asmodeus murmured. “I can see it in his eyes. He knows the location of our great lord and rescuer.”

  Hudson glanced over at Poppy and Emma-Lee, who were giving him confused and frightened looks. He would do anything to save them, even if it put his own life in danger. He gazed back at the three headed demon, a determined expression growing on his face.

  “I can take you there, but you need to release me.”

  “You heard the mortal, release him and let him take you to the prison.”

  Blinking, Jezebel and the blue-eyed man went over to Hudson and untied him. His eyes darted to the Demotome that was wedged underneath the female demon worshipper’s arm. He grabbed it and the tome let out of burst of light that blinded everyone in the room.

  Stumbling back, Hudson let the book open to Asmodeus’ page. Gazing up, he saw that Asmodeus was just staring at him with all three sets of his eyes. Instead of fighting against him, the demon was grinning at him in a chilling way, licking his teeth with the tip of his tongue.

  “Do it. Send me away.”

  Chapter Eight

  Poppy and Emma-Lee could only watch as Hudson read out the words from the Demotome. The psychic was unnerved about how the three headed demon was not fighting back. Was he trying to play mind game? Poppy watched but could not see anything happening.

  “Asmodeus, King of Nine Hells, Prince of Lust, Keepeth’r of Spells.”

  In fact, Poppy could not help but notice that Jezebel and the blue-eyed man weren’t doing anything either. Poppy noticed that their Prince put a furred arm in front of them, preventing them from coming close to Hudson. Her eyes widened as she realised what was happening.

  “Hudson! Hudson, he wants this to happen!”

  He was too busy deep into the spell, his eyes almost glowing as he read the passage.

  “My blood I spilleth, mine curse I giveth, I shalt fight f'r as long as I liveth. By blood of the pact I doth proclaim, go backeth from wh're thee wrongfully came!”

  Asmodeus let out a cackle of laughter as he began to catch on fire. His fur smelt like death as it sizzled away, and his skin began to melt like plastic on top of coals.

  “You absolute fool! I shall return to wreak havoc on this mortal realm. Just wait until my Father returns! We will destroy any mortal who does not bow down to us!”

  It raised its three face to the ceiling of the cave and let out a shriek of pleasure as it exploded into ashes and dust. As the debris settled onto the ground, the two demon worshippers grabbed Hudson by his arms and lifted him up.

  “Alright asshole, you’re taking us to where our Highest Lord is being kept prisoner.” She growled. “No funny business either, or we’ll come back and kill these kids.”

  They began pulling him out as Poppy yelled out. “Wait, don’t leave us here!”

  The blue-eyed man let out a chuckle. “Trust me, you’ll be thankful that we left you both down here once we’re done. You might survive all of this.”

  The two women watched as the demon worshippers pulled Hudson into the dark tunnel, leaving them tied up and alone in the middle of a dank mining cave.

  “I think I know where Grandmother banished the final demon.” Emma-Lee whimpered. “I know where Hud is taking them.”

  Poppy nodded her head and gazed up at the ceiling, trying to calm herself down.

  “Okay, great. Let’s get out of here first.”

  Poppy glanced around the floor in front of them. She could see a pile of gore in front of her, left over from the unfortunate incident with Douglas. She saw something shining within in. A knife. Wincing, she reached her foot out and caught it on the knife. She began dragging the blood-soaked knife towards herself. Inching the knife down her body, she grabbed it with her hand and began cutting the rope which held her wrists tightly together.

  “I was thinking about it.” Emma-Lee said as Poppy freed herself. “The paintbrush on our symbol. Grandmother was a prolific painter when she was younger. That is what Father always said. According to the records I found, demon hunters were all pretty prolific painters.”

  Poppy’s mind drifted back to the paintings she had seen in the basement of Hudson’s basement. The blood-soaked humans, the terrifying demons and all the hellish landscapes. They had all appeared to be painted by the same person as they had the same style to them.

  “Your Grandmother painted all of those?” Poppy asked as she began cutting Emma-Lee’s binds.

  “Yes, she did. The ones in the hallways and the ones in the basement. Every single one of them, I’m sure of it. She even painted the ones around our house.”

  Poppy found herself remembering one painting, one that had an aura of uneasiness to it. She could still remember its numerous yellowing eyes glaring down at her. Her blood chilled as she finally freed Emma-Lee and they both stood up.

  “Wait, are you saying that a painting was used to trap the most powerful demon prince?”

  “That is exactly what she is saying.”

  Whipping their heads around, Poppy and Emma-Lee watched in shock as a reaper came over to them.

  “Harkness?” Poppy whispered.

  The reaper glanced around. “Where is Hudson and the demon hunters? Where is Asmodeus?”

  Poppy explained the situation and the reaper hung its head. “We are too late. None of the lesser demon princes were sealed away permanently. We have little time left to spare.”

  The reaper created a portal with its scythe in the side of the wall. “Go inside now. You will get back to the fortress through there. We will meet you at the mansion.”

  “What is happening with the other reapers?” Emma-Lee asked.

  “We have spent much time telling them what is occurring. They finally understand the dire situation we are in. They are ready to fight if they need to.”

  Harkness gestured to the portal. “Go, now. You have no time to lose. Stop them from releasing this demon, or all mortals will suffer the consequences.”

  Chapter Nine

  Hudson could not bring himself to look out the window as he was driven towards to the city and back to his mansion. Even without looking out, he could tell that it was getting late. Had he made the right choice? He wanted to protect his sister and Poppy, and there was no way he was going to show the demon worshipper where the painting was. He would stall before he fou
nd a way to attack them. What could they do? They had their powers, but he had his blood. He could hurt them if he needed to.

  “We’re here, hotshot.” Jezebel muttered, parking the car.

  Hudson glanced out and saw that they were out the front of his mansion. Something seemed wrong about his home. In fact, several things did not seem right. All the lights were still off. The front door had been left wide open. How had they gotten in through the gates?

  “Where are my parents?” He murmured.

  A small tinkling of laughter came from the female demon worshipper. “You’re only asking yourself that now? Dear, it’s best that you don’t think about it.”

  He lurched forward in his seat. “If you’ve done anything to them, I swear I’ll-”

  The black-haired woman pulled a gun out and pointed it at the demon hunter and he sat back in his seat. “Calm down and everything is going to be alright.”

  Hudson was pulled out of the car and shoved towards the house, Jezebel and the blue-eyed man walking behind him. To his despair, the door to the mansion was indeed swinging open. He entered and glanced around the entrance of the mansion. It was covered in shadows and it seemed so foreign to him. He was so used to the house being flooded in warm lights and the laughter of groups of people.

  “Which way are we going?” Jezebel growled, pressing the gun into Hudson’s back.

  A howl emitted from deep within the mansion and the black-haired woman jumped, swinging the gun towards the darkness.

  “What’s wrong?” The blue-eyed man asked, gazing over at his companion.

  Jezebel shook her head. “It’s nothing. Let’s keep going.”

  There was a sudden growl and the group stopped again. From out of the darkness in front of them, an emaciated dog began stalking forward. Its red eyes stared down the demon worshippers and it let out another deep and angry growl. Behind the hell hound, a figure wearing a black hood started to float towards them, its arms raised high.

  “Mortals.” The hooded figure rasped. “You have been judged before the eyes of the reapers. Surrender, or suffer a fate worse than death.”

  Eyes wide, Jezebel and the blue-eyed man began to back away. Hudson, recognizing Harkness and Seri, went along with the plan and began to back away as well.

  With shaking hands, Jezebel lifted her gun and began firing it at the reaper. The bullets went straight through the reaper’s cloak. Growling under its breath, the hell hound leapt at Jezebel. Almost instantly, the blue-eyed man pulled a ball out of his pocket and flung it into the dog’s face. It exploded in a cloud of white dust and Seri let out a shrill shriek and backed away, rubbing its nose on the ground. Harris ran into the back of the house.

  The black-haired woman pulled what looked like a lasso out of her bag and threw it around the reaper, tightening it with a hard tug. She pressed a button from the end of the lasso and electricity zapped through the wire, causing the reaper to slump to the ground in a jittering heap.

  The demon worshippers both grinned at Hudson as the colour drained from his face.

  “Do you really think we’re that dumb?” Jezebel chuckled as she began to drag the reaper along the ground. Harkness did not respond and just slid along the ground, lifeless.

  Hudson went to stop the demon worshipper, but she pulled the gun out again. “Yeah, don’t even think about it. Harris, where is the portal?”

  “It’s in the kitchen!” He called out.

  The black-haired woman looked from the kitchen to the entrance of the mansion. “Yeah, I think if we get this thing right out the door, it’ll disappear forever.”

  “No!” Hudson shouted.

  Before Hud could do anything, loud yelling came from outside and Jezebel smirked. “Ah, backup’s here.” She hissed with excitement. She dropped the rope around the reaper and walked to the entrance.

  Hudson looked out the door and he let out a small moan. Dozens of people in grey hoods began making their way to the entrance. Each carried a different weapon in their hands.

  Jezebel gazed back at him and an evil smirk grew on her face.

  “Now then Hud, show us where our Lord is, or you’ll be sorry.”

  Chapter Ten

  Poppy was running faster than she had ever run before in her life. Beside her was Emma-Lee, the Demotome wedged firmly under her arms. They were heading in the direction of the mansion, although it was not hard to spot at this point. She could already see a hoard of cloaked people walking towards it.

  They had escaped to the fortress and told Sugrat everything that was happening. The small demon had wagged its tail about in frustration and glared between the two of them.

  “I was not aware of the painting!” He growled. “Master Amelie must have done it behind my back.”

  He had shaken his head and begun pacing up and down the cold floor of the Fortress. “She knew she was not supposed to go near him. I had told her several times! I was wondering why I could no longer pick up the presence of Lucifer.”

  “Did you say Lucifer.” Poppy had replied in a dry voice.

  Hesitantly, the small imp had nodded. “The mortal world truly is in grave danger. You have no time to lose.”

  He gave the two women fully stocked packs of demon hunting gear and hurried them to the exit.

  “You have to find the demon worshippers and stop them before it is too late.” He hissed.

  Once they reached the gate of Hudson and Emma-Lee’s home, they were horrified to see it had become a warzone. Reapers and demon worshippers were fighting amongst each other. Scythes were swinging and weapons were being thrown and shot. Bodies littered the ground.

  “How is no one noticing this?” Emma-Lee hissed, glancing at the suburbs around them.

  Poppy saw the shimmering in the air. She was not sure if it was the demon worshippers or the reapers who were causing this to happen. “I think there’s something stopping anyone from noticing this. Come on, let’s go around the back.”

  The two of them crept behind the wall and snuck in the backyard. Like the front of the house, the back door was left wide open. Poppy was not sure how to feel about this, but she knew it was a bad sign.

  Poppy and Emma-Lee tentatively took a step inside. Immediately, a demon worshipper in a grey hood began running towards them. Thinking quickly, Poppy pulled a salt bomb from her bag and threw it at their face, blinding them. While the screaming demon worshipper fell to the floor, the two women made their way into the kitchen.

  They turned the corner quickly and began running down the steps of the basement. The women both stopped when they saw a gun pointing in their direction. Jezebel glared at them from behind the gun, a scowl on her face. “Yeah, don’t take another step forward.” She growled.

  Looking down, Poppy saw that Hudson was kneeling on the ground, one of his Grandmother’s paintings at his knees. It was the portrait of the hideous sluggish creature that was an off-white colour. It held a different coloured staff with each of it’s hands. Its three eyes stared upwards and there was a strange glint it its eye that unnerved her.

  Harris was shaking his head in disgust. “How dare your family defiles our glorious master.” He hissed, kicking Hudson in the back. “He looks nothing like this! Lord Lucifer is a beautiful fallen angel!”

  “Calm down, Harris.” Jezebel muttered; the gun still firmly pointed at the two intruders. “He cannot bring our leader back if you keep hurting him.”

  Hudson glanced up and saw Poppy and Emma-Lee. “What are you both doing here?” He hissed. “You should not have come here!”

  “Hudson don’t do it.” Emma-Lee moaned. “If you let this happen, humanity is doomed.”

  “Humanity was always doomed.” Jezebel hissed, stalking up the stairs towards them. “We were created as mere playthings by an uncaring ‘master’. You all went to that ‘heaven’, didn’t you? Tell me, did any of those winged things give two shits about you? Did they?”

  They all went quiet and Jezebel let out a dry chuckle, gazing back down at the paint
ing on the floor of the basement. “Our wonderful true Lord Lucifer, he sees us as so much more than toys. He cares deeply about all of us and our freedom. He’s the reason we have free will, after all!”

  The black-haired women put down her gun and glanced at Emma-Lee. “You, demon touched. We’re cut from the same cloth. You and this bozo down here were blessed with a great gift. You and your ancestors have actual demon blood running in your veins. That’s how you can destroy them so easily. “

  Jezebel sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “Some of us would do anything to have demon blood. I am merely a servant of our Lord.”

  The demon worshipper held her hand out to Hudson’s sister. “Join us, and we can bring in the new world together with our rightful ruler.”

  Emma-Lee said nothing, giving the demon worshipper a terrified look.

  Ignoring her, Jezebel turned her head to look at Poppy. “You’re not demon touched, but that doesn’t matter. I understand that. Join us, and we will all be equals under his eyes.”

  Poppy did not even consider it for a second. She shook her head, angry tears forming in her eyes. “I saw what demons did to my Granny, and their Grandmother. They tortured them. I didn’t see mercy and love; I saw pain and terror. I will never fucking stand with you or your evil masters.”

  Jezebel gritted her teeth. “Wrong choice. How about you, demon touched ones?”

  Tears formed in Emma-Lee’s eyes. “One of your Princes, the one with the three heads. It was going to…hurt us. I don’t trust you and I don’t trust them.”

  Poppy placed a comforting hand on Emma-Lee’s shoulder and gazed down at Hudson. He was pale faced and terrified, but she could see a burning in his eyes. A building rage came through his voice as he spoke.

  “All of your Princes are horrible creatures. One enslaved a town, then there was the one who had that horrible casino. The one in the Infernal Region made me want to kill Poppy and the bitch in the reaper realm nearly made me kill my sister too.”

  He glared at the demon worshippers. “I am a demon hunter and I will fight demons for as long as I live.”